Zoning Application: "Other Business" – “OB-74” Site & Master Plan
Date Filed: 10.15.2024
Address: Riverview Village, 3300 Cobb Pkwy (at Paces Mill Road)
Area: Cumberland CID
Applicant: Riverview Associates, Ltd. (current owner & developer)
Previous Zoning Application: OB-15 filed on 3.12.24 and withdrawn on 6.10.24.
Final "OB-74" BOC Hearing Date: December 17, 2024
Outcome of December 17th BOC Hearing: The BOC voted to approve the case (5:0) with the addition of the following stipulations:
- The developer must move the lower Paces Mill Rd curb cut (entrance) 25 feet towards Cobb Pkwy to accommodate a 75 foot left-turn lane for vehicle stacking with a 50 foot taper (see attached CCDOT Department Comments & road diagram).
- Removal of the planned pedestrian bridge and trails from the site plan, located in the back area of the development, to alleviate security concerns from nearby residents.
- Prior to construction, the developer will meet with Cobb Police (local precinct 3) and VVHA (with uput from nearby residents) to develop a master security plan for restricting potential trespasser access to residential neighborhoods behind the property as well as other safety and security measures for the development.
- The remaining leases in Riverview Village expire in December 2025 with the developer option to give 90 days notice to vacate prior.
- The existing retail center will be demolished.
- This was not a rezoning case. The property was rezoned in 2008 as “Regional Retail Commercial” (RRC) and the Site Plan was revised in 2016. "OB-74" was filing a new Site Plan to replace the 2016 plan. The zoning classification was not part of this rezoning because it was previously approved. After a year-long VVHA discussion with the developer, the density was reduced to comply with our 2016 agreement to limit additional traffic on Paces Mill.
Mixed-Use Development proposed plans:
- Total: 490,000 Square Feet (vs 497,600 Sq Ft approved in 2016)
- Lower portion: Residential 216 units, Retail 38,000 sq ft, Grocery Store 42,000 sq ft
- Upper portion: Hotel 130 keys, Retail up to 30,000 sq ft, Residential, approximately 74 units above Hotel
- Developer plans an upscale residential mix of "owner-occupied" & "rental" units. The final mix is subject to evaluation of market conditions and available financing.
Summary: VVHA met several times with the developer, design firm, and traffic engineer. The developer reduced the overall density including the number of residential units, number of hotel keys and retail square footage.
- The traffic study concluded the new center will generate an increase of 372 daily vehicle trips on Paces Mill over the existing retail center vehicle trips.
- A ring road (fire marshal requirement) behind the buildings will provide entry to the residential parking deck, thereby routing vehicle traffic primarily to the upper level Cobb Pkwy traffic light.
- Left turns from the Paces Mill exit closest to Cobb Pkwy will be prohibited.
Stipulation Agreement:
- VVHA worked with the developer on a Stipulation Agreement to limit building heights, define use of outdoor space, provide a light/noise barrier on a portion of the ring road to shield contiguous residential property, and the parking deck exterior.
Documents Attached:· Zoning Application, Proposed Master Site Plan, Cobb County Staff Report, and CCDOT Report & left turn-lane exhibit.